How to solve the problem of deodorization in mobile toilets?

In the past, the problem of toilet odor has always been effective and completely eradicated. In the past, the excrement of the dry toilet was not treated, and the stench was high, and bacteria, mosquitoes and flies were breeding. It is very easy to be the source of infection of various diseases. The modern mobile toilet solves this difficulty. Tianrun mobile toilet adopts a three-dimensional deodorization process, adding blockage to pipes, toilets, toilets and other parts and deodorizing parts of ventilation devices to achieve no odor.

How to solve the problem of deodorization in mobile toilets?

1. There is no running, running, dripping or leaking on the pipeline connection.

2. Install a ventilation fan for each toilet seat to force exhaust air.

3. Install shutters on the toilet door and the ventilation window on the rear wall of the toilet to form air convection.

4. Add microbial flora to the flushing water to degrade and deodorize solid manure.

Mobile toilets use circulating water to flush the toilet and use biodegradation technology to treat excrement; first, the continuous flow of clean water in the urinal flushes the excrement into the active circulation chamber, and then pushes the water flow through the air, while activating the bacteria.

Immediately after stirring the gas, liquid and solid, the microorganisms decompose the excrement efficiently, the excrement is decomposed and thick, and the treated water is stored as purified water, and part of the quantitatively treated water will be stored in the storage room, and finally the purified odorless water. water is recycled. The water quality of the circulating flushing toilet reaches: colorless, odorless, sterile and can be fished.

The mobile toilet sewage pipeline and the use of the environment without excrement removal equipment truly realizes low water consumption, no pollution, mobility, energy saving and environmental protection.

Post time: Feb-11-2022