The hidden dangers of container house safety must be prevented

Because of its flexibility and mobility, container houses are now commonly used as temporary housing. Although they can’t be like normal housing, they also bring convenience to construction sites and construction units for temporary residence. What hidden dangers should be paid attention to when using it.  

1. Be careful not to superimpose high-rise buildings: In order to improve the living space of container houses, proper superimposition is often carried out. Although container houses are relatively light in texture, they should not be stacked too high when stacking them to avoid hidden accidents. The standard is that the stacking cannot exceed three floors.  

2. Pay attention to fire prevention: The material used in the container house is very strong, but its sealing is good, so pay attention to fire prevention. Especially in the container house close to the wall, it is necessary to avoid the use of electric welding construction. In winter, pay attention to installing fire protection devices when heating and baking; in this way can avoid indoor fire and cause personal safety hazards.  

3. Try to fix it on the ground: The container house is lighter in size, so if it is stacked in heavy wind and rain, it will increase the risk factor, and it is easy to shake or collapse. Therefore, when building a container house, it should be fixed on the ground as much as possible, and a very strong bottom fixing device is required. Therefore, attention should be paid to the choice of installation location and fixing method of the container house, and try to avoid areas where collapse or slip waves may occur.  

4. Be careful not to exceed the load: some container houses with multiple or two floors are used. Try not to stack too many items or arranging too many people to live. Before use, you can understand the approximate load capacity of the container house. Don’t overload the load to avoid accidents.  

The hidden dangers of container house safety must be prevented

Users should be vigilant during use. Only by choosing a quality-guaranteed container house can we reduce various hidden safety hazards in use, and we must pay attention to not cutting corners during the entire construction process, so that safety can be guaranteed in the future residential use process.

Post time: Jul-07-2021