What are the measures for the rust of the residential container?

In recent years, with the continuous promotion of residential containers, some problems related to residential containers have begun to emerge. Among them, the rust phenomenon of the related living containers is a very troublesome problem. What are the measures for the rust of the residential container?

1. Seal the outer field wall

Because the steel is exposed to the wet and cold outdoor environment for a long time, it is easy to rust, and the living container composed of light steel structure is also prone to this phenomenon during the construction process. In order to prevent the occupancy container from being rusted by harmful substances, we can use the method of sealing the outer wall to prevent outdoor moisture and cold air from entering the room.

2, with moisture-proof products

Many people want to be well protected while at home when they go to work elsewhere. We all know that container houses, which are usually vacant or unmaintained, can also lead to the accumulation of moisture inside the container house. At this time, users can rely on some products with moisture-proof effect, such as sticking some moisture-proof insulation materials in the container house to prevent the intrusion of moisture and cold air.

3. Regular maintenance on the wall

Rust is the main condition that affects the service life of the container house. Customers can operate according to the above two methods, which can effectively prevent the container house from rusting. If rust is found on the walls or key structures of the container house, the user should carry out anti-rust treatment and paint maintenance in time.

What are the measures for the rust of the residential container?

Post time: Apr-22-2022